Seeing a family member experience a life-threatening situation would be enough to make most people lose their composure, but many Scouts are trained specifically on how to respond in an emergency.
When Scout John H. of the Boy Scouts of America Northern Star Council saw his father in a life-threatening situation, he sprang into action to help save his father’s life.
The family was at home, and John’s father was recovering from two strokes when he experienced an issue. He was eating dinner, and he choked on a piece of food. This caused John’s father to fall to the floor, choking, and unable to get any air.
“I just remember falling over. Then, in the ambulance when I woke up,” John’s father, James, told Fox 9 News.
John heard his mother scream, and he rushed into the room where his father was choking. While his mother called 9-1-1, John used skills he had learned in Scouting to help his father.
“Hearing a thud then running into the room and seeing your dad laying there, turning grey, his lips are blue, on the ground,” John said. “And your mom is on the phone with a 911 operator screaming, it’s a pretty terrifying sight.”
With the life-threatening situation going on, John kept a clear head and did everything correctly to save his father.
“He knew what to do, he started doing it,” John’s mother, Jean, said. “By the time the 9-1-1 dispatcher was telling me ‘do this, do this,’ John was two steps ahead of her.”
For his actions to save his father’s life during a life-threatening situation, John received the Boy Scouts of America Medal of Merit.
To learn more about John’s amazing story of heroism, be sure to watch the video below and read the full article on Fox 9 News.
Photo & video credit: Fox 9 News