BSA Wilderness First Aid is a 16 hour hands-on course that emphasizes the issues that may be encountered with illnes
s and injury when definitive medical care is more than one hour away. BSA-WFA is required for crews attending programs at any of the BSA High Adventure bases and recommended for all BSA programs. Coupled with CPR/AED training, WFA training gives the participants the knowledge, ability and confidence to deal with emergencies and routine medical issues that might arise on an outdoor adventure.
There are no pre-requisites for WFA training, but all of the BSA High Adventure Bases require at least one person also be currently trained to current CPR/AED standards. See the list below for specific requirements.
The minimum age requirements for BSA-WFA are the same as participation for attendance at the camp. If the youth is eligible for the high adventure, they are eligible to attend BSA-WFA training.
You do not have to be a Scout or Scout Leader to take a WFA course! We welcome anyone who wishes to learn and prepare for emergencies in the outdoor environment. Backpackers, hunters, kayakers, skiers, off-shore fishermen or anyone that spends time recreating in an area where medical help may be delayed would benefit from this training.
While there are no unit requirements for anyone to be trained in CPR/AED or First Aid, it is highly recom
mended that someone be trained in CPR and First Aid or Wilderness First Aid if the unit engages in outdoor programs on a regular basis. The Guide to Safe Scouting states “First aid and WFA are important to participants in BSA programs. The BSA strongly recommends that participants avail themselves of CPR with automatic external defibrillator (AED) training, along with first-aid and wilderness first-aid training. For certain program participation, there may be requirements for first aid, wilderness first aid, and CPR/AED.”
High Adventure Base WFA/CPR Specific Requirements (2025):
Philmont Scout Ranch: Wilderness First Aid and CPR Certification
Philmont requires that at least 2 members of each crew be certified in Wilderness First Aid (WFA) and at least 2 members be certified in CPR. Any youth or adult crew members may fulfill this requirement, and different individuals may be certified (for example, 4 individuals with 1 certification each could meet this requirement, as could 2 individuals with 2 certifications each). You must present current certification cards upon check-in to verify this requirement. Certain Certified and Licensed Medical personnel may also qualify.
Florida Sea Base: Adult Leader Training
Adult Leader Medical Training: At least one adult leader in each crew must complete Wilderness First
Aid Training (WFA) and Basic CPR/AED from an agency approved by the American Camping Association
or hold a higher professional license such as MD, DO, EMT, RN, LPN or WFR. Multiple crews require
multiple trained leaders. Sea Base highly recommends that every adult leader completes WFA and
CPR/AED. (note – this year there is a different guide for each program, however, the CPR/WFA requirement is the SAME for all)
Northern Tier Canoe Base: Required Documents
The following documents must be absolutely complete upon arrival on base:
- Wilderness First-Aid Training – At least one adult advisor must have proof (completion certificate) of BSA approved Wilderness First Aid training. Minimum WFA course length is 16-hours.
- CPR Training – At least one adult advisor must have proof (completion certificate) of CPR Training
• Wilderness First Aid 1 person (Adult or Youth)
The Summit requires that at least one participant, (an adult or a youth) in each crew be currently certified in
Wilderness First Aid or the equivalent* and CPR from the American Heart Association, the American Red
Cross or the equivalent*. It is recommended that each crew have at least two participants certified in
Wilderness First Aid and CPR. If unforeseen circumstances prevent one of the WFA trained participants from
attending you will have a second member with the qualifications. You must present current certification cards
or copies of current cards upon check-in.
Click to access Summit-Bechtel-Reserve-Program-Planning-Guide.pdf